“Buoyant Butterflies” Bidding Open: Nancy Cole Care Fund
/in art exhibit openings, showing, new encaustic work /by kMcGstuPlease consider viewing the listing on EBay for this painting we gave to this cause, and consider making a donation to our former student, also the owner of the lovely Southern Sweets Bakery.
From Kim McGill Stuart and Penny Treese:
“We would like to invite you to help Nancy Cole during this difficult time by making a donation to help with the cost of her home care. Last year cancer cells were found in Nancy’s liver tissue, and despite treatment, she continued to deteriorate. Treatment was halted this year, and Nancy was transferred home where she’s receiving constant care.
Nancy, and her husband, were brief art students of ours, her energy made such an impact on us. Her excitement and creativity was moving. It was a joy having her in our class and pleasure meeting her and her husband.”
Thank you sincerely for any help that can be given.
Here are pictures and close-ups of the painting we collaborated on (click to enlarge):