student examples
We all have a visual compass!
Learn how to access your visual compass
F U N! When we have fun we learn!
We will create designs based on the principles of design and elements of design from objects around your house. Discuss what works, what doesn’t and how real artists deal with the same principles in their work.
Identify good/bad design and know the nomenclature of design principles.
Makes you look smart at parties…when we get to attend one again!
Identify design goofs in your own art work and/or friends artwork!
You may loose friends when you design nerd out…so be gentle with critiques XD!
Force yourself to use all the principles, get in the habit of pushing boundaries
…think of them as creative strategies. EVEN more so when they make you feel uncomfortable or icky.
LEARN Self Artistic Expression
STUDENT limit :
first response first added
white sheet of 8×10 paper or larger
found items found in your home or outside
phone with camera abilities/any type of camera
computer with mic + video